Michigan State University Extension
Preserving Food Safely - 01600415

Canning Plums Halved or Whole

GUIDE 2:23-24

QUANTITY: An average of 14 pounds is needed per canner
load of 7 quarts; an average of 9 pounds is needed per
canner load of 9 pints. A bushel weighs 56 pounds and
yields 22 to 36 quarts -- an average of 2 pounds per

QUALITY: Select deep-colored, mature fruit of ideal
quality for eating fresh or cooking. Plums may be packed
in water or syrup.

PROCEDURE: Stem and wash plums. To can whole, prick
skins on two sides of plums with fork to prevent
splitting. Freestone varieties may be halved and pitted.
If you use syrup, prepare very light, light, or medium
syrup according to directions. (see syrup)

Hot pack -- Add plums to water or hot syrup and boil 2
minutes. Cover saucepan and let stand 20 to 30 minutes.
Fill jars with hot plums and cooking liquid or syrup,
leaving 1/2-inch headspace.

Raw pack -- Fill jars with raw plums, packing firmly.
Add hot water or syrup, leaving 1/2-inch headspace.

Adjust lids and process.

Recommended process time for PLUMS, HALVED OR WHOLE
in a boiling-water canner

Process Time at Altitudes of

Style Jar 0- 1,001- 3,001- Above
of Pack Size 1,000 ft 3,000 ft 6,000 ft 6,000 ft

Hot Pints 20 min 25 30 35
Raw Quarts 25 30 35 40

Processing directions for canning plums in a dial- or
weighted-gauge canner are given under acidic foods
process times.

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